Monday, January 25, 2010


I guess in regards to Thea's comment, and to avoid her vengeance again, we will try something different.

First I want it to be known that I don't necessarily agree with all the changes I have posted. Some of these have come from the people I have been drafting with.

The other option, that both Max and I like, is the following:
To make the cards that people have problems with, and to add the cards that they want, and to make our cube support being drafted by more people, we are considering adding more cards to the following slots: each color, mulit color, artifacts, and lands. I think this might be the best way to keep everyone happy. ( I dont like Thea thinking that I have gone insane) Also keep in mind that this will only happen if cube worthy cards can be found for each section. (Should not be that hard with what we have seen from Worldwake.)

Any major change will only take place post Worldwake prerelease.


  1. I think that's a good call. And you're right- can't add anything to hybrid without ending up knee-deep in ass wizards.

  2. I think it would be a good idea to increase the number of cards in the cube to 720 overall. It would then be large enough to run 2 8-man drafts in a row without having to shuffle. Also it would improve the amount of variation seen during drafts. The additional slots can be used to include more themes/strategies in the cube.
