Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This post is going to address the discussion from the comments from the previous Thoughts section.

Alright, so after talking to Max we agreed on this distribution for the expanded cube:
25 for each color - 125
20 for lands - 20
3 per multi color combination - 30
15 for artifacts - 15
Total = 190

If we can't find a good breakdown using these numbers than we will try using the ones that Max suggested. I will bring the current list and these numbers with me on Friday so we can try to fill this up.

To make filling all these slots possible, Max and I agreed that we are going to changed one of the basic rules: OFF COLOR ACTIVATIONS CAN GO IN. Take this into consideration when coming up with cards to add. I will bring this up on Friday when we are going over cards.

I will post the new cards when we have them.


  1. Several things to think about while pondering changes:

    What archetypes would people like to be viable in the cube? I think one of the more unique things about this cube is the fact that it is still primarily creature based (feels more like a draft, greater interaction) versus combo based (draft degenerate enablers, feels closer to constructed matchups where less interaction is almost desired). In a format with as much power as cube, certain drafting elements change. The standard BREAD concept of drafting is shifted slightly. Certainly, there are certified bombs, but since everyone tends to be playing with some amount of them, removal tends to go much higher (especially counters, as they count as a 'catchall' removal). However, the problem with adding more counters/removal is that it leads to more controlling decks, which can be quite 'unfun' as the 'draw-go' format. This is also the caveat against adding too much artifact mana acceleration. The format then shifts to 'mana & bombs' (which seems to be people's complaint against power).

    Here are the archetypes I've seen/played so far with the cube and how I currently view them:

    White Weenie - As much as Joe may disagree with me here, there still is an insufficient amount of 2-drops which the archetype requires. A busted piece of equipment is almost required for this currently (Jitte/Sword). Four cards off the top of my head that might be useful would be Elite Vanguard, Savannah Lions, Kor Aeronaut, Leonin Skyhunter.

    U/W or U/B Control - One of the stronger archetypes, but dependant on lots of mana and mass removal. Insert nigh unkillable creature here for the win. Would benefit more than other archetypes from fast mana.

    G/B or G/U tokens - Generally aiming for Attrition or Opposition. Attrition feels a lot weaker due to the continued mana requirements. The decks feel solid, but slightly underpowered at times. G/W tokes becomes a possibility with the addition of Glare of Subdual or Mirari's Wake.

    U/R Counter-Draw/Burn - Strong if enough card drawing is present. Again one of the bigger benefitters of fast mana.

    B/R Aggro - Decent, but too dependent on drawing the right mixture of threats/disruption. While adding more burn would make this a stronger archetype, it may also lead to pure burn decks which play out too much like slow combo decks (i.e. little to no interaction).

    I have not yet seen/played against G/R aggro/midrange, R/W aggro, U/G tempo or W/B control, so I can't comment on those builds yet.

    Clearly, blue has the most to benefit from artifact acceleration, but is already one of the stronger colors in the format.

  2. Welcome to the cube, Ravnica and Invasion blocks.
