Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It sounds like everyone thinks adding more cards is a good idea, and I fully agree. Freddy is a genius, making the total 720 should be perfect. Not having to shuffle after an 8 man would be a huge help. I should have the numbers for the new slots and the new cards to add hopefully by Friday. In the mean time, people should start thinking about cards that you would like in!


  1. I'm all for adding more cards, and Worldwake has some gems in it for certain, but our current cube is 530, meaning we would have to add a whopping 190 cards to get it that high. Also, while 720 seems like we'd be able to draft a second 8-man without shuffling, you'd know exactly what cards were going to show up because it would be everything that didn't show the first time. That second point is less of a concern, as long as people are okay with knowing what cards will be in the draft. The first point is more of a problem:
    In order to add 190 cards, we'd need to add:
    20 of each color
    5 of each two color gold pair
    10 tricolor cards
    0 hybrid because the options are still shitty
    15 artifacts
    15 lands

    I don't think lands or tricolor gold would be a problem, gold might not be too hard, though R/G might be troublesome. Adding twenty cards to each color though, even with the new stuff in Worldwake, could be quite a stretch. All this said, if someone comes up with a list of this many cards that will belong in the cube, then go for it. One way to allow this might be to do what I know Joe disagrees with, and that is to allow monocolor cards with off-color effects (kicker, flashback, etc) such as momentary blink. These would have to be regulated to make sure that each color has one (or more) off-color activation for each other color (or maybe just promote allied color pairs?)

    Now I've written a novel. Let me know what you think about these ideas. I just want to make sure that the power level is maintained in the cube, so I don't want any fluff to be added just to bring the card count up. And about adding themes using these extra slots, remember that if we add this many cards, the cards will show up with less frequency, meaning any on-theme cards have to stand out on their own too because they often will not be seen with their counterparts.

  2. I agree with Max for the most part, and I think red is especially a problem since red cards tend to be good or interesting but not both. Do you just end up with every burn spell? Also, I think the "other archetypes" question is interesting but I'm a little worried that you'll get some alara-block type thing where artifacts is awesome but you have to be scared getting into it because the pieces might not show up.

    I think adding cards with off-color effects is fine since you need to add so much stuff. There is also some good red stuff there- kird ape and such.

    Oh yeah. Adding 60 gold cards makes it really really big compared to the other sections. Just pointing that out.

  3. Welcome to the Cube Guided Passage, I've warmed up the sideboard for you!

  4. Thea makes the good point that adding so many cards to gold makes it a wee bit huge. Justin has also pointed out (elsewhere) that the tricolor wedges might be hard. Thus a new distribution:
    +25 each color
    +2 each two-color gold pair
    +5 tricolor (allied arcs)
    +20 artifact
    +20 land
    =+190 cards

  5. Woo, that seems much much better to me. I'm excited to see what you all add.
